Transforming Algeria’s retail supply chain, powered by suppliers and local shops

Jiblee is a much-needed solution in Algeria, aiming to become the leading consumer goods supply chain platform in the country and across Africa by using technology to reduce waste and help communities grow.

The retail supply chain faces major challenges for all stakeholders

Suppliers pain points
Supply chain challenges
Local shops pain points

We give acces to

About us

Connect. Cut Waste. Empower.

Our approach focuses on delivering substantial value to all stakeholders in the supply chain—from brands and distributors, wholesalers to local shops, creating a positive impact on the consumer experience. By utilizing insights, we apply technology to create smart tools that help manage demand, supply, pricing, and other challenges in the Retail market across Africa.

The value we deliver

Founding team

We are a highly complementary team of professionals in technology and business development, each contributing valuable expertise. Founded in 2024, Jiblee brings together a member with over 12 years of experience in the startup ecosystem, specializing in business development and marketing for companies across various countries. Another team member has a strong IT background with a proven track record of successfully launching two projects and a deep understanding of AI, which drives our innovative solutions. Together, our diverse skill sets and shared vision are committed to transforming the supply chain landscape.

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us
Copywrite Jiblee 2024